The QDGC colours have changed again slightly since the last post. This time Barry Porter has added a pentad in 3029DD, so we are now down to three boundary QDGC's, along with our two core QDGC's that are still empty.
Northern KZN have also moved 2730CB from 33% coverage to more than 33%.
[Last updated 7/07/2012] These are all MS Excel files.
Pentad Chart Files
The first three files are all part of the same data set. They are maps of KZN showing the pentads with a name, pentad code, the cards & species and the quarterly splits of the cards for each pentad. (The quarters run SON - DJF - MAM - JJA).
KZN is split into North & South along the 28° line, with the 28° falling in both data sets, ie is common to both. Both of these files reference the data contained in the base data file.
If you have downloaded all three of these files, you then only need to dowload the Base Data file, and then as long as you have this file in the same directory as the North / South files, Excel will upadate their data from the new file.
Many thanks to Peter Spence for his hard work on the concept.